In case you have missed it, the entire Northern Hemisphere is gettingwhacked with severe early winter conditions. It is obviously wrecking agriculture anywhere it has exposure such as Florida which is alwaysrolling the dice on the weather at this time. Maybe it is time we moved the orange business to Haiti .
Winter has set early and deep. Thatmeans more serious blizzards and a large snow pack and a big spring run off. The downward trend on the Global pictureestablished three years ago is strengthening and we can presume that the ArcticIce Pack is plausibly thickening unless the Gulf Stream heat engine is able to stave it of.
The Global Warming evangelists are looking sillier than ever and are on theroad to give King Canute a run for his money.
These reports tell the story and recall that this is all pre solstice. By rights the worse has yet to be seen. I remember how tired of winter I became byMarch, back in Ontario .
Stopping by the woods on a snowy evening.
by Robert Frost.
Whose woods these are I think I know
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there's some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep
But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep.
ABOVE: WHITEOUT: Snowhits Munich and, top, Glasgow
16th December 2010
By SteveHughes
FREEZING Britain will beburied by the worst blizzards in 100 years today.
Drifts of up to 6ft are expected as 60mph Arctic gales batter thecountry.
Motorists and train commuters have been warned to expect chaos whilethousands of schools will shut early.
Millions of Christmas cards and presents will not arrive.
Forecasters have warned that the storms, which will drop a foot of snowin hours, will be even more serious than the notorious 1962-63 winter and theworst to hit Britain since 1927.
Giant drifts are set to close dozens of main roads. Scores of railwaylines will be threatened with long delays and cancellations.
Netweather forecaster Ian Michaelwhite said: “Heavy snow is expected tofall on Thursday everywhere north of a diagonal line from the River Humber tothe Cotswolds and Wales .
“The winds are expected to cause 6ft drifts in the north. Many roadswill be closed, including A roads.”
Long-range forecaster Jonathan Powell, of Positive Weather Solutions,said the freeze could last until mid-February and the temperature this wintercould plummet to a record low.
The Polar freeze is set to cost our economy £13.2billion by Christmas,wiping out 1% of the UK ’sannual turnover, said loss experts RSA.
Retailers said the snowfalls could force some small firms to fold.
To add to the misery, petrol prices rose even higher, with an averagelitre of unleaded hitting a 122.14p.
Recordcold hits Chinese capital
Published:Dec. 15, 2010 at 10:29 AM
The freezing weathermade traffic congestion in the Chinese capital worse than usual after hikersand bicycle riders switched to cars, taxis and buses to get to work, China 'sofficial Xinhua news agency reported.
"It was so coldmy face went numb," one female commuter told a reporter.
She said she usuallywalked to work but ended up waiting 20 minutes in the cold for a bus.
Some private carowners risked fines under Beijing 'sthree-year-old traffic management rules and drove to work instead of takingpublic transportation.
One mother said shewas willing to risk a fine to drive her son to school because if he caught acold the doctor bill would be much higher.
Many other parts of China were alsosuffering from record cold temperatures Wednesday.
Forecasters said theweather would start to improve Thursday.
Cuban News Agency
The lowest temperaturewas registered in Colon , central province of Matanzas ,with 1.9 degrees Celsius, which is also one of the five lowest temperaturesever registered in the Island , Granmanewspaper reports.
According to Eduardo Vazquez, with the
Other significantly low temperatures were registered in Playa Giron (3.7),Jovellanos (3.7), Santa Cruz del Sur (4.0), Ciego de Avila (4.1), Esmeralda(4.5),
The national record is0.6 degrees Celsius, registered in Bainoa, Habana province, in 1996.
The lowest five alsoincludes 1.0 in Union de Reyes and 1.2 in Indio Hatuey (January 21, 1971); and 1.8 in Güira de Melena (January 11, 1970).
Morerecords fall as snow keeps piling up in Syracuse
Published: Thursday,December 16, 2010, 6:30 AM Updated: Thursday, December 16,2010, 9:08 PM
Winterin Central NY 2010 - A Wash of WhiteThe Post-Standard's photography staff headed out into theweather last week, cameras in hand, as nearly 4 feet of snow blanketed CentralNew York. Photographers captured nature and its inhabitants at the peak of thesnowfall and its snowy aftermath .Watch video
Syracuse, NY --Central New York set another snowfall record Wednesday: 11.9 inches fell bymidnight, smashing the record of 5.4 inches for the date that has stood since1951.
Another 3.4inches have fallen since midnight, bringing Syracuse to within an inch of its recordsnowfall for the entire month of December.
The new snowpushed this December – which reached its midpoint at noon – to second on thelist of snowiest Decembers on record. National Weather Service instrumentsreport 69.5 inches of snow have fallen at Syracuse Hancock International Airport since the month began through 6:54 this morning. Syracuse's snowiest Decemberwas in 2000, when 70.3 inches fell.
But wait,there's more.
The 70.3 inchesof snow that has fallen since July 1 is the most ever before the wintersolstice, the official start of winter, said Theodore Champney, a meteorologistwith the weather service's Binghamton office. The old record, 63.5 inches, was set in 1995.
If you’ve becomenumb to all the records being buried by December’s weather, here’s an item youmight find cheering: There is no snow in the forecast for the weekend or Mondayduring the day.
Really. NationalWeather Service forecasters expect a mix of sun and clouds on the weekend andcloudy skies Monday during the day.
Before then,however, there’s snow in the forecast, starting with 2 to 4 inches more todayand snow showers on Friday. Some places may get much more. The weather servicewarned shortly before 6 a.m. of a heavy lake effect band that could drop 2inches an hour between Clay and Sylvan Beach .
Parts of Oswego County also were being bombarded. Fulton, for example, has received a foot of new snowsince midnight, Champney said.
How much is66.1 inches of snow? If sources on the Web are accurate, pop sensation JustinBieber, shown during his performance at this year's State Fair, is 5 feet, 5inches tall. If he stood in 66.1 inches of snow, the top of his famous hairwould be covered by more than an inch of snow.
The snowcontinues to come from cold winds crossing the warm waters of Lake Ontario .The moisture, carried in bands that shift across much of the region, have beenresponsible for nearly all the snow that has forced Central New Yorkers toshovel, plow, scrape and brush just to get around.
Wednesday’s snowproved particularly daunting to some trying to get around. Many accidents werereported with cars spinning off roads. Tractor trailers were reported involvedin accidents on the Thruway and Interstate 81. Police reported no seriouspersonal injuries. Hillside roads seemedparticularly challenging to drivers as snow accumulated too quickly for plowcrews to keep up.
Forecastersexpect the lake effect machine will taper off today. The lake effect stormwarning that covers much of the county is set to expire at 1 p.m.
That doesn’tmean the snow’s all done. Tonight’s forecast calls for 1 or 2 inches more. And,looking to next week, there are snow showers in the forecast for Monday nigh
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