Elixir of Life

Today I am going to post on something that I would have dismissed recently as myth and wishful thinking.  I should know better by now.  I have been well served by allowing that ancient writers were just as skeptical yet as clever as our best and struggled only in finding a common language to describe the unusual.

I want to address the idea of the Elixir of Immortality or perhaps the existence of a protocol able to extend human life for centuries at a time.  I now suspect it might well exist and was at one time known to a few scholars.

First though I must return to my unusual findings regarding the section in Genesis describing the story of Noah and his immediate successors.  What was passed down to us was a translation of a Bronze Age translation of  a human resettlement story that took place immediately after agriculture became possible after the collapse of the Ice Age through the Pleistocene Nonconformity.

A large settlement group led by Noah was landed on Ararat at the headwaters of the rivers feeding the Mesopotamian plain.  As posted, the Ark was a magnetic field exclusion vessel able to land perhaps 2000 settlers at a time.  I have good reason to think this was done at several locales around the world were it was most suitable.  What we have though is Noah’s chronicle.

None of this is mystical or particularly strange once we understand humanity had long since established space habitats and got out of town.  It meant that I could rely on the authenticity of this particular document.  Yet the additional information that emerges is around the unusual life spans of what is effectively the governing family.  More critically, these lifespans are not remarked as unusual in this most ancient of documents.

Thus we learn that the founding human population was able to extend their lifespans for centuries and did.

First Conjecture:           We contain the genetics for life extension.

Second Conjecture:      A protocol could exist to trigger the life extending process.  Most likely such a protocol is applied during the seventh decade of life and cellular health and youth is dully restored.  It is repeated every fifty years.

The information is long lost but then who really knows?  This is the type of information that can be buried under confusion and translation.  What we can do is to keep our eyes open for hints that flow from research that may point in the correct direction.

I once read an odd tale of a chap from the nineteenth century who suddenly began to replace his teeth and to begin growing young hair.  He died in a accident before it had gone further, but is this evidence of something out there?

My point is that I see no reason to dismiss the possibility and that research needs to be open to possibilities and avenues of attack however unlikely it may be seem.

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