Without question, the present political momentum is very much on the side of the political factions that object to the use of the anthropogenic climate change hypothesis as a reason for economic decisions. That Obama is turning out to be a less than inspiring leader on this issue is a deeper problem. The rising controversy has inevitably got his speech writer’s fudging the party line.
And he himself is ill informed on issues of science and can hardly be expected to tackle the challenge himself. His error in claiming a five degree benefit from whatever bill was been signed underscores his outright illiteracy in issues of science. I would like to think otherwise, but most likely he is less informed and skilled than George Bush on this subject.
He is also likely as illiterate in terms of economic theory in light of his present passive stance. That was not George Bush’s weakness. None of this is a good sign for future success in terms of steering the ship of state.
Historically we have never expected much in terms of this from the presidency. It has been a pleasant surprise when it was available. Unfortunately we face a world that is mostly at peace and that wants to continue that way. Our problems are two fold.
We are resolving a major credit contraction whose costs are primarily been borne by the USA. Inaction will protract the recession and anemic economic conditions. It is and has been in his court.
The energy crisis is very much upon us right now. It needs the firm hand of a technocrat type mentality to see us through. Today it means building a lot of wind turbines.
My point is that he should be out in front of those issues. Instead we have reassurance while waiting for a dozen shoes to drop. We do not need reassurance but calls to action.
The present program sets him up for been hounded from office and the press is now beginning to smell blood and is picking up of the usual inventory of slips. Recall how they chased Ford from office with a litany of simple shots showing apparent clumsiness, and the guy was a former college athlete.
His evaporating approval rating will hearten his most timid naysayer. Now we will discover who the American people elected.
Welcome to the delayers': Obama's 'half-hearted climate efforts' welcomed by skeptics
'Obama seems to approach climate issues as nothing more than a 'check box' issue'
Tuesday, November 17, 2009By Marc Morano – Climate Depot
Climate Depot Editorial
Climate Depot warmly welcomes President Obama's half-hearted climate efforts. Mr. President, welcome to the “delayers.” We hope you can soon join the full-fledged climate realist movement.
President Obama is now being excoriated for essentially continuing the policies of former President George W. Bush. (see: DER SPIEGEL: 'Obama Has Failed the World on Climate Change; Lied to Europeans' - 'Followed in footsteps of George W. Bush' – November 17, 2009)
Green activists and the media is turning on Obama as he fails to produce the results they expected on global warming issues. See: George W. Obama? NYT: Disillusioned Environmentalists Turn on Obama as Compromiser - Feel 'cheated' by 'meaningless' climate bill! – July 13, 2009
As has been reported this week, Obama is “retreating” on climate. See: AP: Obama retreats on climate change – November 15, 2009; Obama, now 'The Delayer in Chief?' – November 15, 2009
As many disappointed former supporters of Obama are noting, this climate surrender and continuation of President Bush's policies are a violation of Obama's own campaign promises. See: Flashback: Obama in 2008: 'Delay is no longer an option'
At Climate Depot, headlines frequently refer to President Obama as “George W. Obama.” Obama has taken a very similar stance as Bush when it comes to the UN by demanding
Obama observers can only come to one conclusion: The President has never held environmental issues or climate as a high priority. Obama seems to approach climate issues as nothing more than a “check box” issue. When left to his own devices, climate literally almost never comes up. But when forced, Obama does “check the boxes” and say what he believes is expected of him to say. (See: Prof. Pielke Jr. on Obama's MIT Climate Speech: 'I heard the phrase 'climate change' only 2 or 3 times and 'cap-and-trade' was nowhere to be found' - 'His endorsement of the Senate climate bill was pretty weak'
In September, the
In addition, to not having his heart into climate issues, President Obama has also repeatedly made many silly and embarrassing climate claims like the completely scientifically indefensible claim that the Waxman-Markey climate bill would stop global temperature increases of up to 5 degrees! Obama said on June 25, "A long-term benefit is we're leaving a planet to our children that isn't four or five degrees hotter." The question looms: How can the President of the U.S. can be so misinformed and full of such hubris that he somehow believes he can sign a bill that acts as a thermostat for Earth's temperature?
At the G8 summit in
Once again, Climate Depot appreciates President Obama's half-hearted climate efforts. Delay of “scientifically meaningless” domestic cap-and-trade and “global governance” inspired climate symbolic UN treaties are essential to allow the media and the public to continue to wake up to the scientific reality that man-made climate fears are collapsing. The more educated people are, the more skeptical they become. The public gets it. (Science wins: Polling: 'More Americans believe in haunted houses than man-made global warming' - 37% vs. 36% - Oct. 30, 2009) Now even Democratic lawmakers in
Promoters of climate fears still attempt to tout Congressional or UN carbon trading bills as an "insurance" policy against global warming. But a simple question to ask is: Would anyone purchase fire insurance on their home that had a huge up front premium for virtually no payout if you home burned down? If you answered YES to such an “insurance” policy, then Congress and the UN has a deal for you with their cap-and-trade legislation. If we actually did face a man-made climate crisis and we had to rely on the
It is not just Obama who is disappointing climate fear promoters. The media has had a sea change in coverage in 2009. See: Losing Their Religion: 2009 officially declared year the media lost their faith in man-made global warming fears – Oct. 13, 2009
Many unexpected political figures are also bailing on global warming “solutions.” See: Flashback Aug. 2009: Even Sen. Al Franken is bailing on climate bill! Declares U.S. 'must not engage in a self-defeating effort'
Despite the fact that Senator John McCain co-authored two previous global warming cap-and-trade bills, he is now bailing on it in 2009. See: Sen. McCain's Moment of Clarity: Climate bill is a 'Farce' -- 'I would not only not vote for it. I am opposed to it entirely' - August 4, 2009
Most gratifying to skeptics is the climate conversion of
More signs of the new skeptical political reality: In
It appears skepticism of man-made global warming fears is the new “consensus.”
Related Links:
DER SPIEGEL: 'Obama Has Failed the World on Climate Change; Lied to Europeans' - 'Followed in footsteps of George W. Bush' – November 17, 2009
AP: Obama retreats on climate change – November 15, 2009
Obama, now 'The Delayer in Chief?' – November 15, 2009
Flashback: Obama in 2008: 'Delay is no longer an option'
Flashback: George W. Obama? U.S. 'not likely to enter into a new international treaty without China' - 'Stance similar to one taken by the Bush administration'
World's Moment of Clarity: 'Has the battle against climate change been lost?'
We're All Delayers Now: World Leaders Agree to Delay Global Warming Deal
Copenhagen Spin Across the Spectrum: Romm and Morano agree it is 'Good News!'
'Congratulations to Climate Depot's Marc Morano: 'Agent of Lethal Delays'
Frustration grows: 'Deniers' deadlier than Nazis
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