No sooner am I finished posting on the possibility of a lousy winter when it happily arrives about a month early.
This will cool the soils and set the stage for an early freeze up. This means that we are guaranteed the first half of a long cold winter.
At this rate it is likely to be so miserable that we will actually remember it. Not many winters get that reputation. Anyway we are starting it cold and fierce.
I recall my mother’s tale of seeing a snow fall in June back in 1913 after an equally early onset of winter. If we catch a cold spring ad late growing season those conditions will be replicated.
Anyway, this is a good year to stock up on some extra fuel if you have the option. You are likely to be using it up.
Fierce Arctic Blast Coming
Friday, an even stronger surge of cold air will come down from the
The arctic blast will be accompanied by more snow that will spread southward through
Bad Flooding
Updated: Thursday, October 08, 2009 3:44 PM
The excessive rainfall will produce two-day totals of as much as 6 and even 8 inches from
The heavy rain could also lead to another troublesome surge of water through the
The tremendous rain is being caused by a colder air mass from the north attacking a very moist flow of air from the Gulf region. These major conflicts get the atmosphere all stressed out, so it just lets loose.
The mid-Atlantic region from central
Story By AccuWeather.com Senior Meteorologists John Kocet and Alex Sosnowski.
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